Welcome to the City of Argonia

Argonia Cemetery
Argonia Cemetery
The Argonia Cemetery is located at W. 10th Ave. (Just east of Argonia on Highway 160). The Cemetery houses the Floyd Memorial Chapel, located on the west edge of Argonia's cemetery, it provides space for families to grieve and for small services. Public restrooms are available inside. During the winter months the Chapel is winterized and the restrooms and kitchen area are not available, however, the Chapel can still be utilized if needed. To inquire about the Chapel please call the City Clerk at 620-435-6553 Monday-Friday during business hours.
Cemetery Records Search
Cemetery Records Search
This page is under construction and coming soon. Watch for updates. A list of burials in the cemetery will be available for you to search by last name.

Argonia Avenue of Flags
Argonia Avenue of Flags
Every Memorial Day, over 150 Flags are raised at the Argonia Cemetery in memory of the many Argonians who have served in the US armed forces. The Avenue of Flags is sponsor of the "Argonia Avenue of Flags". The Avenue of Flags are located at the Argonia Cemetery just east of the City of Argonia on US Hwy 160.
Families wishing to have a Flag in honor of their loved one that served in the US Military please contact Gary Parks at 620-435-6877 for more information.