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Welcome to the City of Argonia
Pay City Utilities - Camping Fees - Fines & Fees
The City of Argonia bills for gas, water, sewer, and trash pickup. We do require an application be filled out. You may print the application and bring it in our office. We will also need a copy of your current driver's license.
Utility and Recycling Policies
- Trash pickup is on Tuesday mornings (sometimes very early).
- Recycle is every other Tuesday morning (also very early).
- Water, sewer, gas, and trash are all regulated by ordinances.
- The dump site is located down by the River Park off Main Street. It is used to dump clean yard debris. We have a key at the city offices that you can check out for a $5 fee. Please call (620) 435-6553 if you have any questions.
- A deposit of $400 will be required if a letter of credit from a former utility company with no delinquencies cannot be obtained. The letter of credit must be in the name of the person applying for utilities and must be in the city office prior to utilities being turned on. All tenants will be required to pay the deposit on utilities. No letter of credit will be accepted.
- The deposit can be paid in two installments, $200 before the City will turn on utilities and $200 within 30 days.
- Utility deposits (property owners) will be paid back on January following one full year of payment of utility bill by the 10th of each month with the stipulation that the customer has a history of excellent pay history.
- Utility deposits for tenants will not be paid back but will be used to pay the last two utility payments when the customer moves out.
- Bills are sent on or around the 18th of each month and are due by the 10th of the following month with a late fee added to the balance on or around the 11th.
- Utility services are disconnected on the 12th if no payment is received.A $100 reconnect fee is charged to have service restored.
- Payments can be made by placing them in the utility payment box on the front door of the City Building after office hours, online or by mail.
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