Welcome to the City of Argonia
Check Out Businesses, Housing, Services and Organizations in Argonia
Local Services
Local Services
At the City of Argonia in Argonia, Kansas, we seek to improve the lives of the people that we serve. From health services to community-based organizations, we provide excellent services to our residents. See our list of services:
Health Care
Health Care
Emergency Services
Emergency Services
We are Argonia’s first responder. We are covered by the Norwich EMS. For information, please contact:
Chrissy Bartel
Director, Norwich EMS
210 S. Main
Argonia, Kansas 67004
If you are interested to join Argonia’s volunteer fire brigade, please contact:
Paul Conklin
Chief, Argonia Fire Department
122 N. Main
Argonia, Kansas 67004
Phone: 435-6464 (daytime)
Dump Site
Dump Site
The dump site is located down by the River Park, south of Argonia off Main Street.
It is used to dump clean yard debris. We have a key at the city offices that you can check out for a $5 fee. Please call 620-435-6553 if you have any questions.
Post Office
Post Office
111 S. Main Street
Argonia, Kansas 67004
Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday: 7:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Saturday: 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Telephone and Internet
Telephone and Internet
Haviland Telephone Company
Gene Morris, President
104 N. Main Street
P.O. Box 308
Haviland, Kansas 67059
211 W. Spring Street
P.O. Box 277
Conway Springs, Kansas 67031
Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Newspaper Staff:
Newspaper Staff:
Paul Rhodes
Editor and Publisher
Travis Mounts
Managing Editor
Adverting Sales
Contact Paul Rhodes (316) 540-3111
If you have a home-based business and would like to have it listed on our Businesses page, please contact the City Clerk through the Contact Us page or call the City offices.
Ag Enterprises
Ag Enterprises
Liquid fertilizer / Chemicals liquid lime / Custom application
Owner: Dean Drouhard
115 E. Oak Street
Argonia, Kansas 67004
Phone: (620) 435-6303
Quick Pick
Quick Pick
Progressive Ag Coop
Progressive Ag Coop
Gas, oil, and diesel / Fertilizer grain storage / Feed farm supplies
146 N. Argonia Road
Argonia, Kansas 67004
Phone: (620) 435-6331
Kiser Manufacturing Co.
Kiser Manufacturing Co.
Manufacturing small to medium-sized aircraft parts
Owner: Mike Strader
1663 W. 10th Avenue P.O. Box 315
Argonia, Kansas 67004
Phone: (620) 435-6981
Fax: (620) 435-6900
McNeil Manufacturing Inc.
McNeil Manufacturing Inc.
OX Bar & Grill
OX Bar & Grill
Owners: Lesley Thompson
213 S. Main Argonia, Kansas 67004
Phone: (620) 435-6415
Quilters Nook
Quilters Nook
Fabrics / Notions / Patterns / Custom embroidery/ Tuxedo rental
Owner: Pat Conklin
106 N. Main Argonia, Kansas 67004
Phone: (620) 435-6961
Hours: 9:30 to Noon or call for appointment
XO Boutique
XO Boutique
Women's clothing store & Boutique
121 N. Main Argonia, Kansas 67004
Owner: Lesley Thompson
Phone: (316) 250-4462
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XO-Boutique-873488109428021/
Dirty's Car Wash
Dirty's Car Wash
Coin-operated high-pressure wash reverse osmosis water dispenser
Wayne Vineyard 201 S. Main Street
Argonia, Kansas 67004
Open 24/7
Berry Construction Company
Berry Construction Company
Small jobs for Kuboda snow removal
Owner: Dale Berry
214 S. Argonia Road
Argonia, Kansas 67004
Phone: (620) 435-6843
Drouhard Distributing & Winpower Generators
Drouhard Distributing & Winpower Generators
Conway Bank
Conway Bank
Banking and Insurance Service
Argonia Branch 101 S. Main Street
P.O. Box 38, Argonia, Kansas 67004
Phone: (620) 435-6384
Business Hours: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (Monday-Thursday)
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Friday)
Martin Services LLC.
Martin Services LLC.
Complete Handyman Service
Owner: Thor Martin
551 N.E. 130th Avenue
Argonia, Kansas 67004
Phone: (620) 435-6345
The New Old Stock Bicycle Shop
The New Old Stock Bicycle Shop
Overflow Storage
Overflow Storage
Self-service rental units
Owner: Clark Farrar
218 S. High Street and 100 E. Mill Street
Argonia, KS 67004
Phone: (620) 478-2242
Sarah Jane's
Owner: Shane & Sarah Jane May
116 S. Main St.
Argonia, Kansas 67004
Website: www.sarahjanesalsa.com
Email: sarahjanesalsa@live.com
Phone: 620-435-6280
Senior Care Resources
Website Information:

202 N. Pine Street
Argonia, Kansas 67004
(620) 435-6622
307 N. Main Street
Argonia, Kansas 67004
(620) 435-6431
103 S. Elm
Argonia, Kansas 67004
(620) 440-0876
201 S. Plum
P.O. Box 177
Argonia, Kansas 67004
St. Joan of Arc Parish
102 South Ashman
Danville, Kansas 67036
P.O. Box 218
Harper, Kansas 67058
(620) 896-7886 (Harper Rectory)
Chikaskia Manor
Chikaskia Manor
The Argonia Housing Authority oversees the Chikaskia Manor, a 16 one-bedroom living apartment right in the heart of Argonia. It is complete with appliances and draperies. A separate community building containing a multi-purpose room and laundry facility is also available to residents. The multi-purpose room is the site of Friendship Meals. Rent charges are based on income. If you have any questions or would like an application, please contact site manager Scott Figg at (620) 435-6806.
Public Schools
Public Schools
Argonia Grade School and District Office
Argonia Grade School and District Office
202 E. Allen
Argonia, Kansas 67004
(620) 435-6716 - Grade School
(620) 435-6311 - District Office
Argonia High School
504 N. Pine
Argonia, Kansas 67004
(620) 435-6611
For more information, kindly visit the Argonia Public Schools website.
4-H Club
4-H Club
The 4-H youth development movement provides opportunities for all youth ages 5-19 to participate in innovative and fun programs where they can develop leadership ability and make a difference in their communities. For more information, contact the Harper County Extension Office at (620) 842-5445.
Argonia Senior Center Board
Argonia Senior Center Board
This organization seeks to address the needs of senior citizens of our community. Its "Provide-a-Ride" initiative provides rides for elders aged 60 and above who need to get to their doctor and medical appointments within a 75-mile radius.
Goodwill Car Donation
Goodwill Car Donation
Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts
The Girl Scout program includes a myriad of enriching experiences, including field trips, sports skill-building clinics, community service projects, and cultural exchanges, geared to develop their full potential so they can contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others
Historical Society
Historical Society
Kids Club
Kids Club
Kids Club is a fun Bible-learning group for children from preschool (at least 3 years old) through fifth grade at the Friends Church. Call the church for more information.
This is a group that provides convenient car removal services and could positively impact the community in its own way. Visit their website for more information.
The Argonia and Western Sumner County Historical Society was established in 1961. It is responsible for the maintenance of historic pieces and documents, and the Salter House Museum and its grounds.
The KLOUDBusters High Powered Large Model Rocketry Club hosts local, national and international competitions and fun fly launches almost every month. Visit their website for a detailed schedule and more information on their rockets.
The SCKEDD (South Central Kansas Economic Development District) aims to help members of the community create efficient business plans for start-ups. Click HERE to get information and contact information.
Youth Groups
Youth Groups
Senior high and junior high youth groups in Argonia gather every Wednesday nights during the school year. Contact the Friends Church for more information.
Library Association
Library Association
The Argonia Library Association, a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, maintains the library building. They regularly contribute to veterans, Karachi Public Transport Society (KPTS), and other charitable institutions and assist dog programs.
Lions Club
Lions Club
The Argonia Lions Club provided scholarships to less fortunate students, donated a shelter house for the River Park, and has been active in community projects, including Santa Claus Day and New Eyes for the Needy.
Ministerial Alliance
Ministerial Alliance
The churches of Argonia sponsor the annual community service event and a food pantry for the needy. All six churches in town are members of the alliance.
Nutrition Council
Nutrition Council
Argonia's Nutrition Council seeks to encourage more people in the community to take advantage of the opportunity to eat a healthy meal and enjoy fellowship with friends every day.
Recreation Commission
Recreation Commission
The Recreation Commission coordinates recreational activities for the children of Argonia. They currently sponsor swimming, baseball, softball and basketball teams. For more information, contact Wayne Vineyard at (620) 435-6899.
Wheels for Wishes
Wheels for Wishes
This is a car donation and recycling program that benefits Make-A-Wish Kansas. Please visit the link kansas.wheelsforwishes.org for more information.